Boing Boing

Gehry fries pedestrians, eggs with solar death ray

Sunlight reflected from the Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown Los Angeles has "roasted the sidewalk to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, enough to melt plastic and cause serious sunburn to people standing on the street". The fix: dull the building's highly reflective surface. Or — meep-meep! Paging mister Christo! Need some orange curtains over here.

Link to LA Times story (thanks, Ana)

Update: BB reader Athelind sez:

This image is the Disney Concert Hall. This image is the Odeillo Solar Furnace in France, which can produce power densities of 12 megawatts per square centimeter. Notice any similarities? My comments on the story can be found here. Have a bright, sunny day!

BB reader Anthony Rue says:

The Gehry opera house is not Frank's most dangerous design. The Case Western Reserve administrative building in Cleveland has been threatening passersby with ice and snow fall for three years now: Link

BB reader theredballoon says:

Just wanted to let you know that The Gehry building in Cleveland is home to the Case Western Reserve University Weatherhead School of Management (e.g. the business school). It is not the administrative building of the University. Also, the Gehry building in Cleveland can be very bright and do similar things (e.g. fry your pupils, etc.) to the Disney building during the summer (when it's actually warm in Cleveland!)

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