Boing Boing

Thumb-drives come pre-loaded with Creative Commons music

Creative Commons-based music label Magnatunes has struck a deal with a USB thumb-drive vendor to pre-load their drives with ten albums' worth of Magnatunes music. Europe's 50-year copyright term on performances means that we're going to see a lot more of this. As the early Elvis and Beatles recordings enter the public domain, I expect that European hard-drive and music-player vendors will just start bundling in all the public domain music in the world with every purchase.

Online record label Magnatune and Samsung spinoff Hana Micron today launch TunePlug-a reusable USB Flash Drive that will feature 10 complete albums from 10 leading Magnatune artists as MP3 files. The newest way to distribute music, TunePlug offers consumers a simple way to experience emerging music on an easy-to-use, transferable information device.


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