Boing Boing

Database of Elvis Impersonators

This extensive database of Elvis impersonators is sorted by location. Each hip-swinging clone has his own website with audio and video clips. The company that runs this database, gigmasters, rents out other entertainers. Artist profile pages contain a line at the bottom: INFLUENCES, but members of the "Elvis" category list one and only one influence… ELVIS. Link to database.

Don't miss "Stingray" Elvis's version of American Trilogy: Link to video (MPEG-4, 5.5 MB). I think my favorite is Bibby Simmons aka Black Elvis, from Alabama. His website has as many excellent blinking gifs as his cape does sequins, and you can download some of his MP3s here for free. I don't see Thai Elvis in here, but he's just a few miles away from me here in Hollywood, at Palms Thai restaurant.

Also, apropos of nothing: before I discovered the glamorous world of blogs, I once wanted to be a linguist. I studied a number of languages, including some "endangered" languages, because I thought they were beautiful like code. I studied Lakhota ("Sioux") for a while with an indigenous linguist who was born on the Pine Ridge reservation. One of the only words I can still remember is "igluchanchalowan." My teacher told me that translated literally it means, "he who gyrates," but it's the Lakhota word for "Elvis Presley."

(thanks, Bob DuCharme)

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