Boing Boing

Testing Tasers on swine

A researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is launching a study where he'll zap pigs with stun guns. Bioengineer John Webster is testing his hypothesis that the 50,000 volt shock by itself may not be as deadly as critics claim. From the Associated Press:

Webster suggested some of the Taser-related deaths were from a rare condition known as malignant hyperthermia, in which bodies essentially overheat. He will test that theory on swine that have been specially bred to have the condition.

Other suspects may have died if potassium that is released into the blood stream after muscle contractions caused by a Taser shock reached the heart, Webster said. Cocaine use might be another factor, he said…

While all the pigs will be filled with anesthesia, they will be euthanized after the experiments, said Webster, who predicted about 30 pigs would be used. The research could create a computer model that would eliminate the need for more animal testing, he said.

Representatives from PETA are pissed. Link

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