Boing Boing

Futurismic story: "Fixing" sleep with technology

The latest short story on Futurismic went live today, called "Better Sweets to Prove Than Sleep" by Lisa Mantchev. Mantchev's conceit — a technological fix for the problem of 8 wasted hours' sleep — is utterly 21st century, and the story is just the right length for a quick hit on the idea and what it could mean for us.

Jenna shook her head and smiled up at Zach.

So he's ignorant of my circadian rhythms. So most microsleepers aren't compatible with hibernators. Big deal. Buck the trend. Prove them wrong.

It couldn't be all about timing compatibility and biorhythms. Sometimes you just needed to get laid. With a little sigh, she let the sheet fall to the bed.

She pulled him back into bed with her and managed to forget the mess in her head.


(Thanks, Jeremy!)

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