Boing Boing

$10 raffle for a trip to Zero G

Yuri's Night founder, recently minted 3D science movie star, and astrobiologist Loretta Hidalgo tells Boing Boing:

The industrious kids at MIT are raffling off a trip to Ft Lauderdale to ride Zero-G's 727 microgravity jet. The organizer is a member of Zero G Corp.'s flight crew. Everyone always tells him they wish they could fly in zero gravity, too — so he created a raffle so that one of them could!

Included in the prize: airfare (based on a R/T to the takeoff site in Ft. Lauderdale on Song airlines from Boston), and hotel. The raffle is need-not-be-present-to-win so anyone in the US can enter. Drawing will held on Saturday April 9th [extended] on April 16th. The organizer is Stephen Steiner, an MIT Grad Student in Material Science and an Aerogel genius. He can be reached at ssteiner [at]

Link to raffle details.

Previously on BB: James Cameron's new 3D film Aliens of the Deep, and Zero G — Xeni's Wired News and NPR reports. Image: Xeni on a Zero G flight during which Loretta was a crew member (shot by Jim Campbell)

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