Boing Boing

Xeni on The Dennis Miller Show, Wed Apr 13

[Update: Torrent link at end of post.]

I'll be one of the guests on tonight's episode of CNBC's The Dennis Miller Show. I was seriously outclassed and out- l33ted by my fellow guests Mickey Kaus (of Slate/Kausfiles) and comic genius Harry Shearer (of The Simpsons and KCRW's "Le Show"). We taped the program earlier today, and talked about blogger's rights and the Apple v. Does case; Al Gore's new TV network; and presidential iPods, among other things.

Image: mysterious graffiti inside the closet in my dressing room today. I think I'm lucky to have escaped alive — the cryptic scrawl looks like a sekrit cry for help for guests who may have been held there against their will. Where are these former talk show hostages now? Did the Nutter Butters and Fig Newtons in this basket do them in? Maybe things just got too hot. On the opposite wall of this Closet of Doom, the words FRENCH TWINS 04. A gang of disenfranchised AFTRA members? A pair of Parisian porn princesses? A command from the other side? Don't know, but it terrifies me.

Link to Dennis Miller Show website.

Update BB reader Cabel Panic says:

It looks like you had the extreme honor of being in a dressing room once occupied by the incomparable Dennis Haskins, best known for playing beleaguered Bayside High principal Richard Belding on the seminal and multiple-Emmy-Award-Winning television series "Saved By The Bell" (1989 to 1993), as well as its unwanted stepchild of a follow-up, "Saved By The Bell: The New Class" (1993 – 2000). Both shows, of course, focused on the harsh, often graphic, and always brutal day-to-day life in an inner-city school, ruled by student and murderous drug-lord, Samuel "Screech" Powers. Link, to more info, and Link to a classic internet page of beauty, including very serious discussion of the "Tori/Kelly-Jessie Paradox"). And hey, Dennis is now appearing at a college campus near you! Link

Don Willmott says

So Dennis Miller is taped on the SBTB stage. Neat. I'm sure the ghost of Screech was hovering nearby.

George Hotelling says:

People with Series 2 TiVos can record your Dennis Miller appearance by going to this link.

Paul Boutin says

If someone can post a video file, that would be great for those of us with no TV.

Update 2: The uber-cool Matt Haughey says:

I uploaded a 12 minute segment of tonight's show, saved as a 220Mb MPEG2 stream. Due to size, it's only available via BT from my server.

Link to torrent. Thanks tons, Matt!

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