Boing Boing

Copyfight debate of the century video and audio torrents

Last week's Cornell Debate between EFF senior IP attorney Fred Von Lohmann, copyfighting media studies prof Siva Vaidhyanathan, and counsel from the MPAA, RIAA, Napster 2 and Universal was astounding, the most engrossing three hours of video I've watched all month.

Unfortunately and inexplicably, this was only available as a crappy, dropout-prone Real stream from Cornell, which meant you couldn't load the audio onto your iPod or download the video to show your friends later.

Now someone's converted the video to something else (not sure what) and posted a .torrent, packaged with soemthing called "Matroska" that seems like a good way to add bookmarks and such to video (I'd be interested in knowing whether this packaging presents any barrier to someone who simply wants to download the video and watch it in her player of choice). There's also an Ogg of the audio available (I'd love to see this converted to MP3 for iPod users and posted as a Torrent!).

Video Torrent Link, Ogg Torrent Link

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