Boing Boing

Coitus couture: Coco de Mer

Ripped from the pixels of Hint Magazine:

[H]igh-end, socially-conscious London sex shop [Coco de Mer], established in 2001 by Samantha Roddick, daughter of The Body Shop's founder Anita Roddick, has launched an online version of the busty boutique where you'll find everything from nipple covers and clitoris creams to Swarovski-encrusted merkins by J. Maskrey and feather-tailed Molten crystal vibrators by Shiri Zinn. As for us, we'll be tied up with this pair of leather bondage gauntlets designed exclusively for the erotic emporium by Paul Seville, an artisan of animal skins better known for his collaborations with Alexander McQueen and Vivienne Westwood.

Link to Coco de Mer's new online shop, and link to more of Hint's great tips on cool crap to buy.

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