Boing Boing

Mysterious ship in Portland, Maine harbor

This mysterious 180-foot-long supply ship, named The Sage, is tied up at the Portland Ocean Terminal. From the Portland Press Herald (photo by John Patriquin):

The rumor on the waterfront is that (the two large domes are covering parabolic antennae that) will track the space shuttle Discovery, scheduled to be launched next month.

But the ship's captain won't talk. He has ordered that nobody be allowed near the ship, which is tied up in a secure area at the end of Pier 1 at the Portland Ocean Terminal. The Sage has been tied up there for three weeks, at a cost of nearly $300 a day…

The Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram contacted several officials at NASA over a period of five days, but none could say conclusively whether the Sage is involved in the shuttle mission.

Link (Thanks, Loren Coleman!)

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