Boing Boing

Revelations reminiscent of 1970s paranormal/strange mystery fare

My Fortean friend Loren Coleman points us to an interesting column in the Louisville Courier-Journal tying NBC's Revelations to 1970s classics like In Search of Ancient Astronauts (see photo below and background here), In Search of Noah's Ark, and Hanger 18. Sunn Classic Pictures was the king of the genre. From the column:

Sunn Classic unfurled a half-dozen of these pseudo-movies, employing a new style of movie distribution called "four walling." In brief "four walling" means this small distribution house would arrive in town, rent a movie theater down to the "four walls," saturate the local airwaves with commercials, play its little movie and then get out of town with all the proceeds. After all, it had paid all the expenses itself…

Sunn reached its apex with its next documentary, my all-time favorite in
this category, "In Search of Noah's Ark." Although the Bible never
specifically notes the landing spot for Noah's boat, many have long thought
the location was Mount Ararat. But because the mountain was located on the
border between Iran and Russia, it was off limits for American film crews in

Sunn managed to splice together interviews with people who didn't speak English explaining the stories they had been told by people who were dead. All in all it makes for fascinating viewing for folks who will believe anything.


UPDATE: Thanks to Paul Di Filippo and Michael Kienitz who comment that "four walling" was a money-making idea way before the 1970s.

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