Boing Boing

Tokion's "King of Zines" contest

Tokion Magazine is now accepting entries for a "King of Zine" contest honoring the greatest of greatness in paper zines. First prize: the winning publication will be reproduced through Tokion, and its makers receive a year of health insurance. Deadline's July 1, all entries must be produced with "a standard photocopy machine." Judges include Kevin Lyons, Andrew Jeffrey Wright, Deanne Cheuk, Ed Templeton, Eva Prinz of Rizzoli Books, REAS, Carlo McCormick, Sarah from Colette, Adrian Tomine and KAWS. Más informes aquí: Link.

The health insurance prize comes courtesy of Tylenol, who are doing some sort of guerilla zine marketing thing for their pain relief products called "Ouch." It's described as "a quarterly sixteen-page insert glued into your favorite magazines (…) a newsletter website, updated monthly [and] a sponsor of events that relate to modern day lifestyles that involve pain." Link. (Thanks, Mara)

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