Boing Boing

Idioms illustrated by fourth graders

A ginormous list of idioms illustrated "literally" by fourth graders. Each idiom listed on the website links to a child's drawing. Shown here, "deadhead." Heh. Snip from website text written by teachers:

Our Grade 4 class have been "going crazy" and have been very "gung ho" about learning idioms. We have used a loose definition of idioms to basically define idioms to be idiotic. In other words they are expressions that generally need explanations to be understood. They often have very interesting origins but sometimes their origins are not even known. What the students did is draw pictures of exactly what the idiom said, not what the idiom meant. The idioms were explained after the student had drawn the picture and then put up on the wall. We ran out of wall space in the classroom! (we learned about 900 idioms this year)."

Link (thanks, Trank)

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