Antique vehicle auction in Cincinnati

A late Cincinnati attorney's private collection of unusual vehicles is headed toward the auction block and there are quite a few curious cars and carriages to be had. Holbrock practiced magic under the moniker "Weirdo the Magician" and his tricks are also part of the auction. It's 69 vehicles that are the real draw though, from President Grant's black carriage to a 1911 Model T Ford. From the Cincinnati Enquirer (Glenn Hartong photo):

 Images Holbrock
His travels took him near and far – a dairy wagon from Cincinnati, a fire engine from San Francisco, a sedan chair from France and a medicine wagon from Vermont.

"Home Remedies since 1843" proclaims a sign on the side of the snake-oil salesman's wagon. Shelves in back are stocked with 19th-century elixirs containing such healthful ingredients as swamp root and deer tongue.

Holbrock spent a small fortune restoring the medicine wagon as well as the fire engine, several 19th-century cabs and a stage coach…

A lifelong sufferer of insomnia, Hugh Holbrock visited his museum within a barn at all hours.

"He'd just walk around and look at things," said his brother. "And smile."

Link (Thanks, Charles Pescovitz!)