Boing Boing

"Falling dominoes" in Half-Life

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Cool demonstration of the physics engine in Half-Life. This guy set up a bunch of steel doors and other objects to create a Rube Goldberg-esque way to crush a character.

Reader comment:Callum says: "Love the Half Life dominio video and figured something similar would work
in our client – Second Life – sure enough, it worked perfectly – plus,
since you can create object in-world yourself, making the dominos look
like, well, dominos, was a cinch."

Reader comment: Shanjaq says: "Those 'Falling Dominoes' in Half-Life 2 were great! That video was made with Garry's Mod, you'll find some incredible contraptions and outragious comics being constructed by the community. I'm glued to it, watching machines you build with random objects perform as you would expect in reality, a great sandbox to explore the realm of cause and effect! There's so much to it even with its simplistic interface, hopping servers you'll see people building forts, cars, fight scenes, giant robots, combustion engines, boats, podracers, catapults, zombie crushers, or giant mobile mass-sculptures that really serve no purpose other than spazztastic hilarity."

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