Boing Boing

White bison born in Canada

A rare white bison calf was born on a buffalo ranch in northeastern British Columbia. White bison are considered sacred by some First Nations and Native Americans. A white buffalo named Miracle, born in 1994 in Wisconsin, died last September. From CBC News:

Aboriginal legend holds that the white bison is a harbinger of peace and unity. And in that spirit, (rancher Karen) Blatz says she has named the male calf Spirit of Peace…

"To them a white buffalo is a symbol of hope, rebirth or unity and also peace. And because he was born north of Peace River, we thought Peace would be a good name."

She says the bison won't suffer the same fate as the others on her ranch. "This guy is a little different. He won't be going into bison burgers."

Blatz said the calf will remain under her care for several more months, but she is considering selling him.

"It could be to the native Americans, or even if a circus or a zoo wants something rare to put in there – to draw the crowds. That would be good too, but he definitely needs more exposure than where we live."

Link (via Fortean Times)

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