Boing Boing

Review: Monster Island, by David Wellington

I wrote about the zombie novel Monster Island a while back, and I just finally got around to reading it. I'm a sucker for zombie and "last normal person on earth" style movies and books, and David Wellington's story was money well spent. Especially since it didn't cost anything. He's giving away this excellent novel online. It's got all the stuff a zombie aficionado wants — grisly scenes of human-zombie encounters against a backdrop of an abandoned urban dystopia, ragtag bands of survivors risking their lives on can food foraging missions — plus a lot of welcome surprises that add a level of richness to the genre. I would love to see this made into a movie. It turns out Wellington has written two follow ups to Monster Island. All three books were written serial style on his weblog. I happily threw some change into his tip jar. Link

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