Boing Boing

Soviet gas mask info

Regarding last week's post on deeply discounted and deeply cool Soviet gas-masks that Siegler and Co were selling for $20 (which is eerily similar to the bad guys' masks in Half Life 2), Paco Bell points us to this fan-site for the mask with lots more detail — including the fact that they also manufactured
this in black.

The hood facepiece is made of soft grey or black shaped moulded rubber, including cheek pockets for two lightweight filters,model EO 19E

Two small eyepieces ( 40 mm dia.) located on a near flat plane allows to uses binocular optical instruments, but has a poor lateral vision. An inside rubber rims around each eyepieces, allow to use optical corrective glasses.

An inside half mask allows to reduce the moist on the eyepieces


(Thanks, Paco Bell!)

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