Boing Boing

Channel101's "House of Cosbys" is back online, free again.

Following up on a previous BoingBoing post about Bill Cosby's lawyer nastygramming shorts site over a parody movie — well, said attorney unclenched Channel101's admin has decided to make the video available again, nastygrams be damned.

Link to the newly-liberated "House of Cosbys" episode #1: "A cautionary tale about cloning Bill Cosby."

(thanks, Jeff Fries)

Reader Comment: Jeff Fries says,

I just wanted to note that, as articulated in the "Open Letter to Bill Cosby's Legal Team" on the main page, the series was brought back not because "said attorney unclenched" (as far as I know, he hasn't), but rather was brought back because site admin (and cofounder) Dan Harmon has "been led to believe that what feels right to me doesn't matter in the face of what I'm told are larger principles."

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