Boing Boing

Couch potato in death, as in life

The family of hardcore football fan James Henry Smith, who died on Thursday, set up the funeral home viewing room to resemble Smith's living room where he watched Pittsburgh Steelers games every Sunday.
From the Associated Press:

Smith's body was on the recliner, his feet crossed and a remote in his hand. He wore black and gold silk pajamas, slippers and a robe. A pack of cigarettes and a beer were at his side, while a high-definition TV played a continuous loop of Steelers highlights.

"I couldn't stop crying after looking at the Steeler blanket in his lap," said his sister, MaryAnn Nails, 58. "He loved football and nobody did (anything) until the game went off. It was just like he was at home."

Link (Thanks, Loren Coleman!)

UPDATE: As Smith apparently requested, photos of his funeral are publicly available. Link

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