Boing Boing

Cellphone Tripod

Joy Innovations' Cellpod is a neat-looking $24.95 tripod for camera phones. As Phil Torrone writes at the MAKE: Blog, "Expect someone to make a DIY version soon." From the product description:

…Many cell phone cameras have their lens at funny angles so someone has to actually hold the phone in order to take the picture. It's hard to rest them on a table or fencepost to take the shot.

Cellpod easily connects with the popular "belt-clips" that are in use today. That standard button that hooks the phone to your belt snaps directly into the Cellpod. Many of the leather cases that people purchase to cover their phones have these "buttons" built in. It takes just a few seconds to attach. When you are done there is a quick release. If you don't use a case or belt clip, an attachable button comes in the box to allow it to work with Cellpod.


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