Boing Boing

Starbugs: Taiwanese bug boutique with knockoff branding

The "Starbucks Knockoff" post series spirals ever downward. It began in the faux-franchises of Addis Abbaba, then slummed in Starbutts and Starfucks. Now, this new low: a beetle emporium with appropriated Starbusoid branding.

Boing Boing reader Roy Berman says:

"Your posts prompted me to post a couple of photos I had laying around from the insect-only petshop Starbugs, located in a sort of riverside entertainment zone in Danshui, just north of Taipei."

Link. Careful, if these green crawlies are doing what I think they're doing, this photo set is totally NSFW.
Previously on Boing Boing: Starbucks clones of the world, including sex-themed variants; Starbucks knockoff in Ethiopia

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