Boing Boing

Steve Bard's odditorium

BB pal Kirsten Anderson has posted a gallery of photos of her friend Steve Bard's incredible home in Seattle. Bard's house is a wunderkammern that Kirsten says is "literally crammed to the rafters with high weirdness." Seen here is the Sci Fi Room, "a whole room full of glow in the dark, flashing, strobing stuff! (Plus an isolation tank) It's like a Spencer Gifts exploded in there. The effect is strangely quite refreshing after all the dusty Victoriana." Judging from the photos, the pad reminds me of what PT Barnum's American Museum would have looked like if it was curated by the Collyer brothers. More from Kirsten's post at her Thumbmonkey blog:

It's like the Addams Family mansion dialed to 11. And when I say crammed I really mean it- there is NO place to sit- only a tiny walkway meandering through all the rooms…the rest is devoted to weird taxidermy, pickled…things…,monster movie props, victorian hair art, strange books, questionable medical devices, sci fi art, toys, funeral ephemera, and basically anything really unusual.

Link to Thumbmonkey, Link to Seattle Unusual Homes (scroll down)

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