Boing Boing

Damned drummer seeks Holy Grail

Rat Scabies, former drummer for classic punk group The Damned, is seeking the Holy Grail. For real. In fact, Scabies is following in the footsteps of his father, a scholarly expert on the Grail. Fortean Times interviews Scabies and his neighbor, Christopher Dawes, who is writing a book called Rat Scabies And The Holy Grail. From the Fortean Times interview:

How did you two meet, and what got you started on your quest?

Christopher Dawes: Well, I first met Rat because I moved in directly opposite him in Brentford. So the first thing I see when I open my curtains in the morning is his house – and, very often, him. And he has the same thing with me – we were brought together by chance. I was 15 when punk happened, and my favourite band was The Damned; it's probably what started me on a career as a music journalist. So it was a pretty weird coincidence to end up living opposite this guy who had been a big influence on me, although in all my years as a journalist I'd never actually met him.

Rat Scabies: I'd just quit the Damned and that whole show business thing and I really wanted to write something. I thought that the story of Father Bérenger Saunière is such a good one, with so many twists and turns to it, and I knew it so well that it seemed a good place to start. So I began writing a film script and trying it out on people. Having Chris, who's a writer, living opposite me meant he was one of my main targets! He'd never really heard the story before, but the more I told him about it, the more he got sucked into it.


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