Boing Boing

X-ray of coke mule

Here's a sad story of a Trinidadian woman who swallowed 100 thumb-sized packets of cocaine to smuggle into England. From the BBC News:

She was told to wash them down with Coca-Cola. Three men stood guard and every three hours another man would come to check she was getting on with the task.

"It was frightful to be swallowing these things, it was horrible. I felt I was going to be sick but they gave me some black coffee. I had only taken 20 and they said I had three hours to take the other 80…"

When she had finally managed to ingest all 100 packages she was put on a flight to London with another man whom she was to pretend was her common law husband.

She was told not to eat on the flight although she did anyway, little knowing that eating stimulates gastric juices which can burn through the latex and cause the bags to burst. Fortunately, this did not happen.

Link (Thanks, Carlo Longino!)

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