Boing Boing

China's elusive steam trains: a BB sneak peek

Photographer and train junkie Scott Lothes is traveling in China, seeking out the history of steam trains in that country, and snapping lots of photos. He's been having some technical probs blogging from inside China, because the blog service he uses appears to be blocked with government 'net filters. Troubleshooting blog-format minutiae on the road is extra tough right now because, Scott explains:

It's rather hard to be certain when the screen is in Mandarin (traveling too light and cheap for a laptop, so I rely on 'net cafes — always a unique social experience). In the meantime, here's a photo for Boing Boing — it's actually of a steam train in China and not [the one BB's been posting of] a diesel train in West Virginia!

Heh! Thanks Scott, and here's a full-size version of that photo: Link. (Thanks, Kevin Scanlon and Dory Adams!)

Blogging China's elusive steam trains

Reader comment: Nick says,

Some friends and i were channel surfing one day and came across the "China Adventure" episode of 'trains and locomotives' on the RFDTV channel. Basically, all we saw were scenes of steam locomotives rolling across the middle of nowhere in China with no captions and very little commentary; however, we were captured for a good half hour before realizing that we were still watching a train on tv. This is a link to buy the dvd for anyone who wishes they could join Scott Lothes in China. Link

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