Boing Boing

Review of "Mind Molester" revenge device

The Mind Molester is a small device that emits a high pitched beep every three minutes (kind of like a cell phone with low batteries. If you plant it under a piece of furniture, it is hard to find. I'm tempted to plant one of these things in the house of a neighbor who keeps me up with late parties.

This devious little device is designed for one sole purpose… drive people insane! And That is Just what this little device did.

The Mind Molester In Action: I decided to first plant it in the Living room right behind the tv so its sound would distinctly interupt anyone's viewing expierience as well as be masked by the tv sound. The first beep came 5 minutes after I planted it followed by the 3 minute interval of beeps that come once it sets into its sequence. For the first few beeps I got nothing. But then people started asking what that beeping was. Next thing I knew I was watching them rummage through the room looking for it. They dug out the couch and chairs, opened the drawers and everything. Alls I could do was try not to laugh. It was quite amusing. And so for a few hours I left it there and drove everyone nuts. They never could locate the source of the beeping. The 3 minute interval that I at first thought was too long was perfect. Just enough to get their attention and just when they give up the search it'd come back and aggrivate them. I loved it!.

Link (via Random Good Stuff)

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