Boing Boing

Made-up words from The Simpsons

Bonnie sez, "The geniuses at Wikipedia have set up a hyperlinked list of made-up words coined on 'The Simpsons.' Click on words like 'tomacco' and 'Scrabbleship' to get the full meaning. I dare you to use 'Double-Bacon Geniusburger' or 'Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys'"

* 1 Assal Horizontology
* 2 BBBQ
* 3 Beginulate
* 4 BiMonSciFiCon
* 5 Bloodening
* 6 Blurst
* 7 Boneis Eruptus
* 8 Boo-urns
* 9 Bort
* 10 Buh
* 11 Car Hole
* 12 Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys
* 13 Chester A. Arthritis
* 14 Chocobots
* 15 Chocotastic
* 16 Chowdah
* 17 Clouseauesque
* 18 CompuGlobalHyperMegaNet
* 19 Craptacular
* 20 Cromulent


(Thanks, Bonnie!)

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