Boing Boing

100 oldest .COM names in the registry

This list of the 100 oldest .COM domains currently registered a is fascinating look at the history of the Internet. Who was visionary enough to register a .COM domain, and when?

1.  	15-Mar-1985	SYMBOLICS.COM2.  	24-Apr-1985	BBN.COM3.  	24-May-1985	THINK.COM4.  	11-Jul-1985	MCC.COM5.  	30-Sep-1985	DEC.COM6.  	07-Nov-1985	NORTHROP.COM7.  	09-Jan-1986	XEROX.COM8.  	17-Jan-1986	SRI.COM9.  	03-Mar-1986	HP.COM10.  	05-Mar-1986	BELLCORE.COM11=  	19-Mar-1986	IBM.COM11=  	19-Mar-1986	SUN.COM13=  	25-Mar-1986	INTEL.COM13=  	25-Mar-1986	TI.COM15.  	25-Apr-1986	ATT.COM


(Thanks, Christopher!)

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