Boing Boing

From Air Raid Sirens site: Truck equipped with a lot of loud horns

 Posts Horntruck1After BB reader Mark perused the sounds and movies from the fun-loving folks at the delightful website, he came across a picture of a truck loaded with many loud horns installed in the bed. Wouldn't it be wonderful to drive up alongside a pimplyfaced kid slouched in the seat of one of those cars that make thumpa thumpa sounds from its powerful bass speakers and give him a blast from these monsters?
Link (thanks, Mark!)

Reader comment: Jeff Hirsch says: "Sure, the horn truck is cool, but you can't talk about horn/siren laden cars without discussing Hyler Bracey's 'The Big Horn.' An amazing art car covered in historical bells and whistles. has pictures, details, and a fascinating history of not only the vehicle, but the different bells, pipes, etc that have gone into it.

Be sure to check out for a good overview of the vehicle."

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