Boing Boing

Eyeballing ANWR with Google Earth

Boing Boing reader Jim says,

It's final innings for the Arctic Wildlife Refuge in Alaska as Congress gets ready to fill it with oil wells. The Sierra Club has done some cool Google Earth maps in an attempt to show people what's at risk and what it's really like there — face it, most of us will never visit the Refuge — that's why it's wild. My favorite map is the one that shows all the oil wells already in the Arctic. You don't need a label to recognize the 5 percent that's been saved by having the Refuge.


Related: "Day to Day," the NPR program on which I'm a contributor, ran a segment yesterday with Elizabeth Arnold and host Alex Chadwick on the conflict around the refuge. Link to archived audio.

Reader comment: Trevor says,

Here is a photo set called the 'Artic Refuge Series' by Subhankar Banerjee that shows the stunning beauty of ANWR, from the ground. Link

Reader comment: Chris says,

Plans to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge were dropped from the House budget reconcilation bill tonight. Credit goes to GOP Rep. Charles Bass of New Hampshire and 24 fellow Republicans who threatened to vote against the bill unless the drilling provisions was dropped.


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