Boing Boing

Thai Cigarette Warnings — with teeth (and tumours)

Boing Boing reader Lisa Galarneau says,

On my recent trip to Thailand, I was very impressed by the warning images on packets of cigarettes, illustrating all sorts of nasty smoking outcomes, rather than a banal textual warning. One Australian girl I talked to pointed them out to me, saying that each time she opened the pack and had to see the guy's rotting teeth, she really thought twice about lighting up… (on the box tops, the image is pasted right on the top). So I went to the supermarket and took a picture of the display…. perhaps cigarette cases will make a comeback?

Link to full-size JPEG (2304 x 1728).

Reader comment: Michael Cicconi says,

Canada's cigarette packages have had the graphic warnings for a while now. Here's a gallery. (seems that it's best viewed in frames, so Google's image search result worked nice) My favourite is the "limp cigarette" one.

Reader comment: Bruno Borges says,

Brazil has also been pushing for some time a very strong campaign against smoking. Every cigarette package has a creepy photo and a
warning: "This product contains more than 4700 toxic substances and nicotine, which causes physical and psychological addiction. There are no safe levels for the consumption of these substances."

Here is the official government website (Ministry of Health). If you click on "Imagens novas" and "imagens antigas" you will see the pictures that are used on the packages. Link

Reader comment: Divya Manian says,

Singapore too has such disgusting warnings that even nonsmokers do not wish to look at the stackfull of cigarette cases in the shops. Here is a list of all countries with such warnings in place which includes links to the graphic pictures used in singapore cigarette cases: Link. Here are graphic images used in singapore cigarette boxes (really disgusting!): Link.

Reader comment: Jake Appelbaum sends this snapshot of "smoking packages" in London. No, not a suspicious box on the tube — we're talking cancer, not bomb scares. "Nothing quite like a Monte Cristo that says SMOKING KILLS to lightening up your day!," he says. Link.

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