Boing Boing

Scifiction readers send the magazine off with appreciations

Adam sez, "NBC/Universal, in their wisdom, has axed the SciFi Network's Sci Fiction (see Boing Boing post from last Sunday). I guess three Hugos, four Nebulas and a World Fantasy Award don't stack up against Mansquito. Rather than let it squeak away into nothing, some people decided to give Sci Fiction a proper sendoff by creating a site for people to write appreciations for the stories, both new and classic, that Ellen Datlow thought were worth reading. go on over, choose a story, and give your salute."

There is only one Howard Waldrop. He can take the most absurd premise and develop it with such acute verisimilitude that the reader must pause to wonder: Hey, this might really be true! Maybe the Marx brothers did have an older brother who worked in vaudeville with an act that (almost) recovered the Holy Grail.

The announcement of a new Howard Waldrop story always sent me immediately to anticipating a rare and favorite treat. If the loss of Sci Fiction now means there will be no more new Waldrop stories, the world will be a sadly diminished place.


(Thanks, Adam!)

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