Boing Boing

Bosnian town unveils Bruce Lee statue of peace

A Bosnian city has erected a statue of Bruce Lee to commemorate his 65th birthday, as a symbol of universal peace — Bruce was apparently equally popular on all sides of the conflict in the former Yugoslavia.

"We will always be Muslims, Serbs or Croats," said Veselin Gatalo of the youth group Urban Movement Mostar.

"But one thing we all have in common is Bruce Lee."

(Thanks, Dave!)

Update Erik sez, "Someone stole Bruce Lee's nunchucks! Apparently it happened a few hours after the statue was unveiled in Mostar. According to this article, several dozen citizens gathered in the park where the statue was unveiled to 'express their disgust.' 'Once again we've shown what Balkan savageness is!,' says one." (Thanks, Erik, Marion and Sinisa!)

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