Boing Boing

Jailhouse tech creations — update

My blog-mates Cory and David have posted previously about Prisoners Inventions, a book that explores inmate-made contraptions behind bars — written by a jailed man named Angelo. Shown here, a prison love-companion fashioned from plastic bags, toilet paper, and socks. Noah Shachtman wrote about it for Wired News in 2003, and sends word that newly-reconstructed contraptions will be on display in various art centers around the US:

This month, they're back in Chicago, at the I-Space. Then, in the Spring, the Prisoners' Inventions head to San Francisco's Yerba Buena Arts Center. The show has 13 new drawings from Angelo.

Link to more drawings, and details about the upcoming shows.

Previously on Boing Boing:

Prisoners' Inventions: MacGuyver meets the prison system

Prisoners' Inventions

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