Boing Boing

Vintage Al-Anon Comics + happy liver-in-a-bag

These late '60s – early '70s comics promoting Al-Anon resemble ordinary dramatic strips of the era, but tell true tales of misery, desperation, and high-flyin' boozejinks.

Link to comics gallery.

Bonus round: Why yes, my replacement liver will have another eggnog. An ad agency in San Francisco is sending out a grosser-than-gross holiday-party invite: a replacement liver in a bag.

(Thanks, Kim Cooper, also seen on screenhead; thanks Tim Nudd)

Reader Comment: John Mark Ockerbloom says,

Al-Anon did in fact spin off Alcoholics Anonymous. (It was founded by Lois Wilson, the wife of Bill. W who started Alcoholics Anonymous, and was designed for family and friends of alcoholics rather than alcoholics themselves. Link).

Later, Narcotics Anonymous and Nar-Anon were formed, in the spirit of Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon. I don't know if the same people were involved or not, but they both clearly walk in the AA 12-step tradition.

L. Ron Hubbard's drug rehab quackery and Scientology front is "Narconon". It has nothing to do with the other groups above, except for trying to sound like them.

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