Boing Boing

Homemade Buffy the Vampire Slayer Mah Jongg set

Check out this elaborate and beautiful home-made Buffy the Vampire Slayer Mah-Jongg set — from the bloodwood, hand-joined carrying-case to the elaborate, glossy tiles. The creator describes it as costing two months' worth of weekends, looks like six months' worth of weekends to me. Nice job.

Winds are good characters (Buffy, Giles, Xander, and Willow), dragons are bad guys (the Master, Angelus, and the Gentlemen), and pretties are either ancilliary good characters (Joyce, Cordelia, Kendra, and Tara) or what Lorien calls "morally ambiguous" characters: Faith, Oz, Anya, Spike.


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