Boing Boing

Malaysian blogs cover youths detained at metal concerts

Boing Boing reader Tiara says,

On New Years Eve, a punk-rock concert organized by Paul's Place, a live jam establishment in Malaysia, was raided by police over accusations of "indecent behavior" and "engaging in Satanic black metal activities".

They detained the patrons of the concert (mainly youths with some professionals too), the organizers, and some of the performing band members (including some from Japan and Singapore).

They also detained some people who were eating at foodstalls nearby Paul's Place. The detainees were made to do drug tests and be interviewed by the media, which painted them as hooligans worshipping Satan (they even claimed that the concert was a replacement for a sex party in Langkawi). Among their claims of Satanism included black t-shirts, fanzines with "elements of violence, pornography, Judaism, and curse words like 'fuck'", and men and women mingling together in a place that served alcohol.

This blog provides a good summary of the event as potrayed by the media, and there are many links out there by the Malaysian blogging community. The Malaysian bloggers are really coming together, providing information and discussion space.

Link to blog coverage of the latest Malaysian Metal crackdown by the merciless Man.

Previously on BoingBoing:
Black Metal for Dummies

Malaysian metal and the Man: a first-hand account

Reader comment: DJ Carlito says, "I googled one of the bands and found photos links. Here are pics from a concert at that same venue last month: Link"

Update: Tiara writes,

The Centre for Independent Journalism has started a blog covering what the Malaysian media says about Black Metal. Link

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