Boing Boing

Jill Carroll, US journo and pal of BB readers, kidnapped in Iraq

Boing Boing reader Jeff says,

I don't know if this fits Boing Boing that neatly, but Jill Carroll was abducted in Iraq while working as a journalist for the Christian Science Monitor. She is my dear friend and I don't want her name to fall off the radar.

My wife has posted a brief comment about her abduction. There will be more to come, as we work to bring her back alive.

We met her while working in Jordan. I served as her editor at the national paper in the capital, Amman. She was desperate to become a foreign correspondent and, like so many before her, she was willing to take a risk and cover Iraq. We had her covering higher ed, but as soon as an opportunity to head for Baghdad opened, she took it.

That was trip number one. I think this time was her third or fourth "visit." The good luck just couldn't hold out that long. We worried constantly about her, reading every news story of abduction and violence, steeling ourselves against seeing her name.

Saturday came and our stomachs sank. We'd tried to put it behind us but now the Christian Scenice Monitor has confirmed. Damn it! When will this madness end. We want our Jill back.


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