Boing Boing

Attorney General Gonzales' NSA spying testimony, translated

Snip from a humorous translation of Gonzales' humorless answers at the NSA Surveillance Hearings today:

GONZALES: It's an early warning system designed for the 21st century. It is the modern equivalent to a scout team, sent ahead to do reconnaissance, or a series of radar outposts designed to detect enemy movements. And as with all wartime operations, speed, agility and secrecy are essential to its success.

TRANSLATION: Remember the robot probe in The Empire Strikes Back? It's like that.

GONZALES: While the president approved this program to respond to the new threats against us, he also imposed several important safeguards to protect the privacy and the civil liberties of all Americans. . . . As the president has said, if you're talking with Al Qaida, we want to know what you're saying.

TRANSLATION: If you've got nothing to hide, then there should be no problem with us listening to you. If you've got something to hide, then . . . well . . . we should listen to you.


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