Boing Boing

Clowes joins Gondry on Rucker's "Master of Space and Time"

Auren at SuicideGirls says,

SG's very own Daniel Robert Epstein spoke this morning with acclaimed filmmaker Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) and got a juicy tidbit about his upcoming film, Master of Space and Time, based on the novel by [former BoingBoing guestblogger!] Rudy Rucker and set to star Jack Black. According to Gondry, Daniel Clowes, the master behind such screenplays and graphic novels as Ghost World and Eightball, will pen the script. Clowes' involvement with the project had not been previously announced.

Link. Auren says SG will publish the full interview with Gondry sometime soon.

Reader comment: Stefan Kuligowski says:

I'm not sure if Rudy Rucker intended this in naming his novel but the title is remarkably similar to that of Mike Jittlov's 1989 bit of brilliance The Wizard Of Speed and Time. WoSaT is a criminally underrated gem whose whimsical, reality-bending style oddly enough reminds me of Gondry's work. It's a crying shame that the film is not only out of print but actually unfinished according to Jittlov, and all because of the machinations of their evil producer (who coincidentally plays the evil producer in the movie). Maybe in some way this movie getting made will bring some much-deserved attention to WoSaT so it can get the finishing funds and DVD release it so rightly deserves and help the world realize what tremndous talent and imagination Mike Jittlov has to offer!

Here are some pertinent links: Mike Jittlov's website: Link. The most detailed making-of/general information site I've found about WoSaT: Link.

Reader comment:Peter Hollo says,

I may not be the first to point this out, but where Stefan Kuligowski says:

I'm not sure if Rudy Rucker intended this in naming his novel but the
title is remarkably similar to that of Mike Jittlov's 1989 bit of
brilliance The Wizard Of Speed and Time.

he may not be aware that Rucker's novel first came out in 1985, so it's rather unlikely the causality was in that direction!
Is quite possible on the other hand that Jitlov was inspired by Rucker(?)

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