Boing Boing releases still more Abu Ghraib torture photos

Earlier this week, the Australian public broadcast network SBS aired more than 60 previously unpublished photographs of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib in Iraq, in 2003. Today, has republished these — and released still more photos not aired on SBS Dateline.

Link to report, link to an explanation of why they're publishing the photos, link to the photo gallery (NSFW, extremely disturbing images with violence, nudity, and sexual acts.)

Image: "An unknown detainee with women's underwear on his head, strapped to a bed frame. Photo taken at approximately 1:53 a.m. on Oct. 20, 2003."

In related news:

A United Nations report today called on the United States to immediately close the detention center for suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and to either release its inmates or bring them before an impartial tribunal.

The report, by a team of five inspectors for the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva, blasted the American government for a litany of abuses, and said that certain practices at the prison camp "must be assessed as amounting to torture."

Link to NYT report by John O'Neill (via IHT).

Previously on Boing Boing:
New Abu Ghraib torture photos from Aus. TV report: torrents

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