Boing Boing

Sequel to Scalzi's Old Man's War: The Ghost Brigades

John Scalzi's "The Ghost Brigades," the sequel to Old Man's War, is in print and on shelves today.

I described Scalzi's Old Man's War as "The Forever War with better sex, Starship Troopers without the lectures." It's the tale of a war fought in space by soldiers who are picked from Earth's elderly population and rehabilitated into superhuman fighting machines using secret technology, never to return to earth.

The Ghost Brigades continues in the same vein, with the story of the Special Forces of the space military, genetically engineered superhumans who fight to defend a planet they've never visited and never will. Scalzi's special gift for action scenes that vibrate and human interaction that can bring a belly laugh or tears is sharp and clear here.

John's an all-round good guy, a beloved AOL moderator and a bestselling humorist whose Uncle John's Bathroom Reader sell by the truckload. He's one of the strongest new voices in science fiction and it's a treat to have a new book from him in hand.


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