Boing Boing

Vowel-free online dscssn

Members of the Barbelith online community are conducting a discussion without using vowels. Teresa Nielsen Hayden removes the vowels from trolling posts on the Making Light message boards, a process she calls disemvowelling. This is a voluntary version of that:

Cn y pst wtht vwls?

´s ´s chtng t´ ´s´ ´pstrph´s?

Knd of lks lk Cthlh´ spkng, dsn´t t?

N snw hr, snny ´´tsd´. Hw´s th wthr, whr y r?

My brn lrdy strtd hrtng, frm wrtng lk ths.

Hv y fnd th hddn vwl yt?


(Thanks, Dave!)

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