Boing Boing

Armatron 2.0

In the early 1980s, I owned a "toy" robot arm called Armatron that was sold by Radio Shack. Lots of people loved to hack Armatron and devised various ways to control it using a computer (like a Timex Sinclair) instead of the built-in dual joystick interface. Now, Tokyo's RT Corporation, who run a robot school and online robot shop, are selling a robot arm called the RT-0002 that looks similar to the Armatron. To demonstrate the RT-0002's hackability, the RT crew mounted two of the appendages on a Robo-One battle robot chassis. The post on Robots Dreams links to a video of both the stationary RT-0002 and the tricked-out Robo-One.
Link (via MAKE: Blog)

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