Boing Boing

Children of Earth continue to resist robot invasion

In recent days here on BoingBoing, more compelling evidence that mechanical invaders want to devour the children of Planet Earth and make humankind their slaves.

Today, a fearless ballerina and valiant fireman fight off a robot bully three times their size. Who says bravery doesn't wear a tutu?

Link, and here's DIY defense armor from VHS boxes. Previous editions: one, two. (thanks, woodenturkey and Steve Zimmerman)
Update: Too late. Shortly after the snapshot above, another fireman assimilated into robot consciousness. The struggle was mighty, the force just too strong.

BoingBoing reader and robot resistance fighter Derek adds, "Perhaps this is a clever disguise for a lean mean child eating machine? Link."

Reader comment: defendyourselfhuman says,

"In the vein of your recent posts regarding robot attacks – here's a handbook on "How to Survive a Robot Uprising", by one Dr. Daniel H. Wilson who's packing a Ph.D. in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University (so, presumably, he knows what he's talking about). author link, Amazon link."

Reader comment: RTFMPlease says,

And here's a talk by the author of "How to Survive a Robot Uprising" done at Google: Link.

Reader comment: anon says,

Given the frequent occurance of robot invasions, I feel robot insurance proves to be a worthy investment. Old Glory is the only life insurance company to provide full coverage against robot attacks. WMV, Quicktime.

Reader comment: Josh says,

It's not just children robots threaten, they'll get us all if we're not careful. Luckily Humans United Against Robots (HUAR) recognizes the threat already. Link.

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