Boing Boing

Justin Watt and ACLU win parody case

O'Reilly OPG web producer, Justin Watt, successfully defended himself against a laughable cease-and-desist sent to him from a creepy outfit called Exodus International, which promises to help gay people obtain "freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ."

About three weeks ago Exodus International sent Justin the cease-and-desist for this image that parodies the lame billboards that Exodus International uses to advertise their hideous message.

The ACLU jumped to Justin's aid by sending Exodus International a mind-blowingly great letter explaining why Justin is well within his rights to make laughing stocks of the homophobic group. And Exodus International backed off. Here's a USA Today article about it.

And here's Justin's blog entry with a link to the ACLU letter. Way to go, Justin and the ACLU!


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