Boing Boing

Black Velvet Unicorns United Against Earwax Blogposts

Oh, this calls for a unicorn chaser. BoingBoing reader Yetter says,

I've been a reader for a few months now and I like how you follow-up disturbing stories with pictures of unicorns. I have a unicorn painting here in my office that I thought you might enjoy, two unicorns running through outer space.

Link to full-size snapshot of "Unicorns in Space Black Velvet Painting" on Yetter's office wall.

Reader comment: IvyMike says, "The picture of unicorns in space reminds me of this classic bit of Simpsons dialog:"

Marge: Well, I studied art, and this guy's got a real gift.
Warden: You kiddin'? Look — [shows another painting] he painted a unicorn in outer space. I'm asking you: What's it breathin'?
Homer: Air?
Warden: Ain't no air in space.
Homer: There's an air-in-space museum.

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