Boing Boing

Great sf/f artists donate twelve paintings to illustrators' student fund

Irene Gallo, Tor Books's Chelsea-award-winning Art Director, sez, "Twelve leading fantasy and science fiction artists have generously donated
their time and talent to create a 5×7 painting to help support tomorrow's
illustrators. Each painting will be auctioned on eBay with all of the
proceeds going to the Society of Illustrators' Student Scholarship Fund. It
will be awarded to a student creating an exceptional work with a speculative
or fantastic theme."

Contributing artists:

Julie Bell,
Vincent Di Fate,
Daniel Dos Santos,
Bob Eggleton,
Scott Fisher,
Jon Foster,
Lars Grant-West,
Greg Manchess,
Stephan Martiniere,
John Jude Palencar,
Adam Rex,
Boris Vallejo

Pictured here, Adam Rex's contribution.


(Thanks, Irene!)

Update: David got to see Boris Vallejo execute his contribution to this auction, and photographed Vallejo's palette when he was done (as well as other artists' palettes from the event).

When Vallejo finished his painting, and everyone gathered around to admire the finished product, I noticed his palette sitting there. I realized that while millions are familiar with his work, few have probably seen his palette. So I took a picture of it. Perhaps it will provide insight or inspiration for those who were unable to attend the event this weekend.

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