Boing Boing

Jon Stewart praises Colbert's White House gig

Jon Stewart has done a segment crowing about Stephen Colbert's virtuoso performance at the White House Correspondents' dinner, where he heaped hilarious abuse on the President and the tame press-corpse. Hey, anyone notice that the NYT and many other press outlets have decided to entirely ignore Colbert's performance? Cowards.

"It was balls-alicious," Stewart said. "Apparently he was under the impression that they'd hired him to do what he does every night on television" — that is, make fun of conservatives, public officials, and the press in the guise of an O'Reillyesque talk show host.

"We've never been prouder of him, but HOLY —-," Stewart added.

He also described the annual dinner as "where the President and the press corps consummate their loveless marriage."


(via Digg)

Update: James Roe sends in the video of Stewart's "ballsalicious" monolog.

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